Admission to SPS
As a Local Authority school allocation of places, for children in YrR to Y6 are dealt with by Bristol City Council's School Admissions Department. You are very welcome to initially make contact with school and we can advise you on the procedure for registering your interest or securing a place at SPS.
All admissions and allocation of places to the Nursery class at Shirehampton Primary School have been delegated by Bristol City Council’s Children and Young People’s Services Admissions Department to the school’s Governing Body. It is useful for parents to note that our Nursery offers both 15 hour and 30 hour places. Please see the school’s Childcare (U3s and Nursery) Admission policy.
If you are interested in a place at our Under 3s provision, please complete an application form and return it to the school.
If you are interested in a place in our Nursery, please complete an registration form and return it to school. If your child is entitled to the 30 hour offer please also complete a declaration form (30 hours) and, again, return it to school. If you need to find your 30 hours code, click here.
About Childcare Choices 
Childcare Choices is a cross-government campaign that aims to make more parents aware of the financial support on offer to help them with the costs of childcare.
While most families in the UK are entitled to some form of support, many are missing out because they simply don’t know they are eligible. And from April, working parents can get even more help with their childcare costs, starting with 15 hours childcare for 2-year-olds.
The Childcare Choices website helps parents to find out what they might be eligible for, now and in the future, and when to apply. Parents can also sign up to the newsletter which will give them further information as the expansion is rolled out.
Financial support is not limited to just nurseries and childminders. Depending on eligibility criteria, this support could also be used for breakfast clubs; after-schools clubs; activity clubs; holiday clubs; home care workers and play schemes. Support is available through Tax-Free Childcare for children up to 11, or 16 if disabled, and Universal Credit Childcare can help with childcare costs for children aged 0-16. Parents eligible for Tax-Free Childcare or Universal Credit Childcare can use the support to help pay for before and after school childcare also known as ‘wraparound childcare’.
Explaining the changes
You can download or print out the Childcare Choices leaflet to learn more about the childcare expansion.
An online childcare support checker is available to help parents find the right childcare offer for them and learn how much money they can save.
The DfE Education Hub provides accessible information for parents, pupils and education professionals, such as when you can apply for 15 hours childcare including how to get your code or everything you need to know about wraparound childcare.
Content is available to share on social channels, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
More information on wider financial support is available on the Help for Households toolkit and leaflet.
For further information please see
Bristol City Council's Co-ordinated Schemes and Admission Arrangements
In-Year Admissions or contact School Admissions by completing the online contact form.